Category Archives: Art


looking for inspiration

the past two weeks have been a little… no, a lot hectic. between work, school, freelancing, and getting sick i’m feeling a little drained. so in search of some new inspiration i’ve been trawling pintrest and dribbble.


photo sources {urban environment} {} {resume} {feather} {tattoos} {lightening} {wandering} {anchor} {quote} {ikat }

a little distraction

while doing some research and preliminary sketching for a logo project i got that song “San Francisco” by The Mowgli’s stuck in my head so I ended up painting out some of the lyrics just for fun. if you haven’t heard the Mowgli’s  yet definitely check them out!

Love Painting

painted lyricsi haven’t painted with watercolors in a super long time, i forgot how beautiful they can look when done well(unlike my blobby sketches that i won’t torture anyone with). and there’s something about painted cursive that just looks so whimsical.

printing it up

i guess i’ve been inspired by all the stamps at work so i decided to make my own stamp and make some prints with it, i was thinking i could make wrapping paper with it or something. that seems to the the new cool thing to do, making your own wrapping paper with stamps and such. to make a stamp i used linoleum mounted on a wood block and a lino cutter.

stamp making

i started out with a drawing then drew it onto the block and used the lino cutter to slowly carve it out. it was kind of a slow process mostly because i managed to continually stab my self with the lino cutter, i really should be more careful.



yellow owl has some kick-ass ink pad that i used for making the prints. as you can see the stamp was pretty big and i had some trouble getting it to stamp all the way. i actually started standing on the stamp hoping that would help the paper stamp contact, ha!

i think these will make some cute cards or wrapping paper.

renegade craft fair

i got to go to the renegade craft fair on saturday! it was pretty cool, no really cool! it was over at fort mason in one of the warehouse pavilion hall things, and it was enormous. there were so many vendors and artists with an array of amazing jewelry, prints, bags, shirts, clocks, pretty much anything you could think of.


i really wanted to just buy everything but i managed to restrain myself, i did get a print from jill bliss, i really love her prints and illustrations and got super excited when i saw she had a booth, i had planned on ordering this print at some point anyways but it was super cool to get to chat with her for a minute and buy the print there!

food art

i’m feeling a little tired and lazy and hungry today, and i saw these prints of colorful foods by
Pragya Kothari on etsy. aren’t they awesome!

the burrito and chips that i’ve been munching on all day are seeming less and less appealing in comparison to the rainbow assortment of veggies and fruit.

it also got me thinking that i love food and i love drawing and illustration i should do some food pictures!

at last…

the rest of my sketchbook is all scanned in and brightened up for everyone to see! i ended up doing the whole sketchbook in pencil and minimal color, just a few sketches use color pencil. i was really trying to stay true to the idea of a “sketchbook” something that your projects start out as, the blue prints to what could be a larger piece of art.

my theme was “its summer where you are” so i did a lot of summer-y-ish drawings, hence the cover with the sunglasses. sunglasses ended up being a little mini theme through my whole book. i really like drawing face and i noticed all the ones i did had sunglasses on.

as well as sunglass i seem to have a real affinity for trees.

so that is the end of my sketchbook, be sure to check out the {Brooklyn Art Library} and {Art House CO-OP} for how to enter the sketchbook project 2012 and the sketchbook project 2011 tour dates!